Making time is 3-4 weeks at the moment, thank you for your patience!

About the linen

Raw linen properties

Linen cloth is warmer than cotton during colder seasons and feels cooler during the summer, as the fiber allows the heat to escape. Resistant to fungus and bacteria, flax is found to be an effective barrier to some diseases. Wearing linen clothes helps to decrease some skin diseases – from common rash to chronic eczemas. Linen is effective in dealing with inflammatory conditions, reducing fever, and providing a healthy air exchange. Some neurological ailments benefit from the use of linen clothing. Linen cloth does not accumulate static electricity. Linen is highly “hygroscopic” meaning it rapidly absorbs and gives up moisture. Absorbing water as quickly as a pond surface, before giving a feeling of being wet, linen cloth can absorb as much as 20% of its dry weight. This explains why linen cloth always feels fresh and cool.

Raw linen care

Hand-wash in cold 30°C* water, use neutral**

detergent, dry naturally, best in the shade**.

Detergent: neutral, coconut or olive oil soap.

Iron: while damp, inside out with high heat, or spray some water and then press.

Stains: moisture the spot and put detergent or rub with a soap,

leave for some hours, rewash.

*Unsoftened linen shrinks in hot water and when tumbled

**Perfume and sunlight bleaches linen